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최근에 Server, Switch 등 Enterprise 통신 기기의 고속전송화가 급격하게 진행되고 있어, 각 System에서 사용되는 부품의 Signal Integrity(SI) 성능 향상의 필요성이 높아지고  있습니다. 이러한 요청에 대응하기 위해 I-PEX는 고속전송112Gbps PAM4에 대응하는 Active Copper Cable(ACC) Type인CABLINE®-CA IIEQ PLUS 112G의 개발을 추진하고 있습니다. 2024년10월15 ~ 10월17일에 미국・San Jose에서 개최되는 「OCP 2024」에 참고 출전합니다.
세선동축 Connector CABLINE®-CA 삽입 방법
I-PEX는 고온환경에서도 장기간 사용으로 신뢰성이 요구되는 옥외 통신기기용으로 실리콘포토닉스 IC를 사용한 멀티모드 QSFP28 사양인 액티브 광케이블(Active Optical Cable, AOC) 「LIGHTPASS®-SP Q28」을 개발 중입니다. 본 제품은 2024년 9월 23일부터 9월 25일까지 독일 프랑크푸르트에서 열리는 ECOC에서 참고 전시할 예정입니다.
경량, 소형 보드 인 커넥터로 호평을 받고 있는 IARPB®에Vertical타입「IARPB®(Vertical Type)」를 추가 발매 개시 했습니다.
A vertical type board-in connector is being added to the I-PEX IARPB® connector series, which has been well received in the automotive market due to its light weight and compact design. Recently, functions such as adaptive driving beam (ADB) have been added to headlamps, and there is a continuing demand for space saving components. To address this demand, we have developed the vertical type board-in connector. This product improves space efficiency by routing the wire harness vertically to the board, which may increase the degree of freedom in circuit board design and helps customers further reduce the weight and size of their designs.
With the implementation of advance driver assistance systems (ADAS) and other technologies in society, automobiles are undergoing a major transformation at a rapid pace. Automobiles are becoming computers on wheels, and the various electronic devices installed are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex. At the same time, improving fuel/electricity efficiency and safety performance, and reducing the weight of automobiles are major themes in the automotive industry. To meet these market needs, I-PEX is expanding the ISH® connector lineup with the new ISH®18 connector.
It has been said that CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Subscription/Shared, Electrification) is a once-in-a-century technological innovation in the automotive industry. And, while the amount of electricity used by automobiles has increased with the electrification of vehicles, power electronic devices, such as inverters and DC-DC converters, must be made even more compact. In response to the size-reduction requirements, I-PEX released the AP-10 high-power supply terminal in 2020, followed by the AP-LT10 and AP-TSS10, and is again expanding the AP series. The new AP-50 significantly expands the rated operating temperature and rated current values. By using AP-50, the number of connectors required to supply the increased power needed can be reduced. It also contributes to system size reduction as less board space is occupied by connectors.
In recent years, in-vehicle systems have become more multi-function and smaller, making space-saving components more important. Additionally, there is a need for lighter equipment to achieve lower fuel consumption. To meet these demands, I-PEX is offering a new FPC card edge connector. 
세선동축 Connector CABLINE®-UA II 삽입 방법
Introducing our RF connector for external antennas, seamlessly mating with the MHF®-SW23 RF switch PCB receptacle.