ISH® (Horizontal Type)

ISH Horizontal Product Image
耐熱、耐振,水平插拔, SMT 連接器
  • 高耐熱性和抗振動性,適用於高接觸可靠性應用

  • 獨特的嵌入式彈簧接線端子,提供長期穩定的電氣連接

  • 提供符合 LV214/USCAR-2 標準的選項,

7.50 Max 12.20 Max
3 6 8 12 16 20 32
Discrete Cable (AWG):
#20 #22



ISH Horizontal Type FAB1 TC


ISH Horizontal Type FAB2 TC

提供符合 LV214/USCAR-2 標準的選項,

For Automotive

For Non-Automotive

For Automotive For Non-Automotive
  • Headlamp & other automotive lamps
  • Inverter & DC/DC converter
  • Battery control module
  • Front/Rear view camera control module
  • Instrument cluster
  • Offroad vehicles (ATV/UTVs, QUADS, Tricycles)
  • Trucks and construction machineries (Excavators, Loaders)
  • Factory automation equipment

For applications that require compliance with LV214/USCAR-2

Please refer to "part number" tab aboce for LV214/USCAR-2 compliant part numbers.


Contact pitch
2.00 mm
7.50 Max 12.20 Max
Width Formula
ISH : Single row=8.9+2.0*pin Double row=8.9+1.0*pin / ISHV : 10.1+1.0*pin mm
Pin count
3 6 8 12 16 20 32
Discrete Cable (AWG)
#20 #22
Current rating
0.7A 3A 4.5A
Mechanical lock
Automotive Standards USCAR-2 (ISH 8P and 12P tested. Except for retention force specification) / LV214 (ISHV 12P and 16P tested)
Mated Height (MAX) Single Row: 7.50mm
Double Row: 12.20mm





Part Number Description Part Number Note
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 3pin single V0111-003E-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 6pin double keyA V0114-006E-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 8pin double V0114-008E-02 USCAR2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 12pin double keyC V0114-012E-21 USCAR2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 16pin double V0114-016E-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 20pin double V0114-020E-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 32pin double V0114-032E-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 3pin single V0113-91003-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 6pin double keyA V0116-91006-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 8pin double keyA norearcover V0116-91008-02 USCAR2(*), rear cover non-applicable
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 12pin double keyC V0116-91012-22 USCAR2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 16pin double V0116-91016-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 20pin double V0116-91020-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 32pin double V0116-91032-02  
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer 6pin double V0116-92006-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer 8pin double V0116-92008-01 USCAR2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer 12pin double V0116-92012-01 USCAR2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer 16pin double norearcover V0116-92016-01 rear cover non-applicable
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer 20pin double V0116-92020-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer 32pin double V0116-92032-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL cable cover 3pin single V0113-93003-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL cable cover 6pin double natural V0116-93006-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL rear cover 8pin double V0116-94008-01 USCAR2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL rear cover 12pin double V0116-94012-01 USCAR2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL rear cover 16pin double V0116-94016-01  
ISH HORIZONTAL rear cover 20pin double V0116-94020-01  
ISH female terminal tabsize=0.5mm(020) Sn VT009-02 Signal Terminal

Note (*):All specifications have been complied with USCAR-2 except for retention force.


ISH (Horizontal Type) RECOMMENDED PART NUMBERS (LV214 Complied)

Part Number Description Part Number Note
ISH HORIZONTAL male terminal LV214 3pin single V0085-003E-001 Au plating
ISH HORIZONTAL male terminal LV214 12pin double V0025-012E-001  
ISH HORIZONTAL male terminal LV214 16pin double V0025-016E-001  
ISH HORIZONTAL female terminal LV214 3pin single V0037-91003-211  
ISH HORIZONTAL female terminal LV214 12pin double V0027-91012-211  
ISH HORIZONTAL female terminal LV214 16pin double V0027-91016-211  
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer LV214 12pin double V0027-92012-211  
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer LV214 16pin double V0027-92016-211  
ISH female terminal_tabsize=0.5mm(020) Sn VT009-02 Signal Terminal
ISH female terminal_tabsize=0.5mm(020) Au VT009-03 Signal Terminal



Part Number Description Part Number Note
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 6p double keyB V0114-006E-11  
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 8p double keyB V0114-008E-12 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 8p double keyC V0114-008E-22 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 8p double keyD V0114-008E-32 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 12p double keyA V0114-012E-01 USCAR‐2(*), normal lock
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 12p double keyB normal-lock V0114-012E-11 USCAR‐2(*), normal lock
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 12p double keyD V0114-012E-31 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL male connector 12p double keyB V0114-012E-12 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 6p double keyB V0116-91006-11  
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 8p double keyA V0116-91008-03 USCAR‐2(*), rear cover applicable
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 8p double keyB V0116-91008-12 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 8p double keyC V0116-91008-22 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 8p double keyD V0116-91008-32 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 12p double keyA normal-lock norearcover V0116-91012-01 USCAR‐2(*), normal lock, rear cover non-applicable
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 12p double keyA normal-lock V0116-91012-02 USCAR‐2(*), normal lock
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 12p double keyB normal-lock norearcover V0116-91012-11 USCAR‐2(*), normal lock, rear cover non-applicable
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 12p double keyB V0116-91012-12 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 12p double keyC norearcover V0116-91012-21 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female housing 12p double keyD V0116-91012-31 USCAR‐2(*)
ISH HORIZONTAL female retainer 16p double V0116-91016-02  
ISH HORIZONTAL cable cover 6p double black V0116-93006-02 Color: black

Note (*):All specifications have been complied with USCAR-2 except for retention force.