I-PEX 正在开研发 “LIGHTPASS®-SP Q28”产品,这是一种多模 QSFP28 规格的有源光缆 (AOC),它采用硅光子集成电路,适用于要求在高温环境下可长期使用的可靠性极高的户 外通信设备。
I-PEX IARPB® 连接器系列中新增了一款垂直型入板式连接器,该连接器因重量轻、设计紧凑而在汽车市场广受欢迎。
With the implementation of advance driver assistance systems (ADAS) and other technologies in society, automobiles are undergoing a major transformation at a rapid pace. Automobiles are becoming computers on wheels, and the various electronic devices installed are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex. At the same time, improving fuel/electricity efficiency and safety performance, and reducing the weight of automobiles are major themes in the automotive industry. To meet these market needs, I-PEX is expanding the ISH® connector lineup with the new ISH®18 connector.
A vertical type board-in connector is being added to the I-PEX IARPB® connector series, which has been well received in the automotive market due to its light weight and compact design. Recently, functions such as adaptive driving beam (ADB) have been added to headlamps, and there is a continuing demand for space saving components. To address this demand, we have developed the vertical type board-in connector. This product improves space efficiency by routing the wire harness vertically to the board, which may increase the degree of freedom in circuit board design and helps customers further reduce the weight and size of their designs.
In recent years, in-vehicle systems have become more multi-function and smaller, making space-saving components more important. Additionally, there is a need for lighter equipment to achieve lower fuel consumption. To meet these demands, I-PEX is offering a new FPC card edge connector.
It has been said that CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Subscription/Shared, Electrification) is a once-in-a-century technological innovation in the automotive industry. And, while the amount of electricity used by automobiles has increased with the electrification of vehicles, power electronic devices, such as inverters and DC-DC converters, must be made even more compact. In response to the size-reduction requirements, I-PEX released the AP-10 high-power supply terminal in 2020, followed by the AP-LT10 and AP-TSS10, and is again expanding the AP series. The new AP-50 significantly expands the rated operating temperature and rated current values. By using AP-50, the number of connectors required to supply the increased power needed can be reduced. It also contributes to system size reduction as less board space is occupied by connectors.
我们很高兴的宣布我们正在推出全新开发的产品- CABLINE®-CA IIP PLUS 和 DUALINE®130-HB-D。 CABLINE®-CA IIP PLUS 是 0.4 毫米间距、水平插拔款 、全屏蔽双芯线和j极细同轴线组件。它使用paddle card技术支持高速传输 64 Gbps/通道 PAM4 。DUALINE®130-HB-D 是 0.4 毫米间距、水平插拔款、支持 112 Gbps/通道 PAM4 的 双芯线组件。自 2023 年 8 月起,我们开始批量生产新款极细同轴连接器 CABLINE®-CAP,它是 0.4 毫米间距、水平插拔款极细同轴线组件。CABLINE®-CAP 支持 64 Gbps/通道 PAM4。这些产品适用于数据中心的服务器、交换机和其他企业设备的是高速传输连接器。
I-PEX has released the new CABLINE®-CAP, 1.15 mm mating height, 0.4 mm pitch, micro coax cable assembly. CABLINE®-CAP is a wire to board product that combines high transmission rates and space savings with paddle card technology.
LIGHTPASS®系列是以大型信息通讯设备内部,为解决高速信号的光电转换,搭载了由AIO Core公司开发的,可以稳定工作于高温环境中的硅光子IC(IOCore™),实现双向通信的超小型有源光学模块。如今,为满足客户的应用需求,我们开发了2款更符合实际使用环境的新产品:LIGHTPASS®-EOB II 128G和LIGHTPASS®-EOS 100G。

I-PEX, a leader in the field of high-frequency and high-speed transmission connectors is pleased to announce that Digi-Key has been named Global Distributor of the Year for 2022.

I-PEX -高频和高速传输领域的连接器领跑者和 Teramount- 硅光子领域的光纤封装领跑者今天宣布,他们正在合作推进应用于数据中心和其他高速数据通信及电信应用的硅光子可拆卸式连接。
I-PEX is currently developing new Li-Po battery connectors (AV-B60/AV-B90) which contribute to safe drone navigation.
I-PEX发布了新款NOVASTACK® 35-HDH全屏蔽板对板连接器,配接高度为1.5 mm,间距为0.35 mm。 该连接器结合了出色的配接可加工性和高电气性能。
近年来,服务器、交换机等基础设施通信在企业市场的发展速度越来越快。 挑战在于,传统的PCB走线传输具有较大的插入损耗和有限的传输距离。 一体封装系统也面临着高密度包装的挑战。I-PEX 已经开发全新的 LEAPWIRE®/DUALINE® 系列 112 Gbps PAM4,使用高速双芯电缆和 MEZZTRACK®112Gbps PAM4 板对板连接来解决这些问题。
I-PEX正着手准备内置微处理器的LIGHTPASS™-EOB 100G样品。该微处理器使用I-O核心的硅光子IC“光学I/O核心
I-PEX与Digi-Key Electronics合作,Digi-Key Electronics成为I-PEX新的全球分销商。 这份合作可以使I-PEX更好的满足客户的设计和生产的需求。 I-PEX的产品现在可以在Digi-Key的全球网站上购买,该网站提供了全球范围内大量的电子元件库存作为选择,并可立即发货。
I- PEX开始装运LIGHTPASS™-EOM 100G的测试样品,该产品使用的是来自AIO Core 有限公司的硅光子集成电路光学I/O内核。


2020年是充满变化的一年。今年I-PEX最大的变化是更改了公司名称。 第一精工创建于1963年,是一家精密模具制造商。从那时起,我们接受了研究模具微加工技术的挑战,拓展出移动信息设备中必不可少的连接器业务。我们也一直在应对新业务领域的其他挑战,比如用于物联网设备和机器人技术的传感器开发。2020年8月1日,我们将公司名称和企业品牌统一为“I-PEX”,目的是明确公司的愿景,扩大我们的全球品牌认同度。(I-PEX = Innovative Product development & Engineering solutions eXpert创新产品开发和工程解决方案专家)

I-PEX提供多款2.4 mm射频连接器

为了满足日益增长的对更高频率和毫米波解决方案的需求,I-PEX发布2.4 mm RF连接器系列。我们提供多样化的产品系列,从转换适配器到板安装适配器,以满足客户高达50Ghz的需求。I-PEX的2.4 mm RF连接器符合RoHS标准。

I-PEX has integrated the technologies of our ESTORQ® Torque Sensor and the ES-Gripper® to help eliminate human errors on the factory floor by using automatic insertion of connectors. This helps reduce rework, saving both time and money.
DAI-ICHI SEIKO宣布将更名为I-PEX, 于2020年8月1日生效。随着新名称的出现,logo也将发生变化。这是为了将公司名称和公司品牌统一成一个名字,“I-PEX”,旨在全球范围内提升我们的企业形象和获得品牌知名度。
业内首创:适用于电脑/游戏机/无人机/ AR / VR市场的全屏蔽自锁型FFC连接器

Mellanox Technologies 选择I-PEX Connectors成为其小空间同轴线连接器供应商。

EVAFLEX® 5 FPC/FFC连接器对应先进的新一代4 k、8 k视频信号传输高速接口标准,采用V-by-One®技术规格